Mental Health & Addictions Support, FOR INDIVIDUALS & FAMILIES

For professionals working or interested in this field,

our material reveals the truth behind what has been termed ‘a complex psychiatric disorder’ (APA).

For professionals seeking help from this disorder,

we offer complete confidentiality, our track record with health providers has been 100% success.


Feedback from journals, national and international conference has validated the leading edge our program represents in the understanding of addiction and recovery.  The question we hear frequently from professionals as well as clients is: why has nobody told me this material before?  Short understatement answer: it wasn’t easy for us to figure this out.

Often referred to as a ‘disruptive technology’ (Christensen, Harvard Business Review), our approach is the result of over a decade of intensive research into the neurobiology of addiction to find the answer to what addiction really is.  Connecting the dots from hundreds of high-quality scientific journal articles and presentation, with behaviours observed and experienced over decades in the world of addictions, pinpointed the exactness of the disorder.

Chris Ashton, BEng, MD, MBA, CE (Harvard), and Denise Duffie, BBA, MBA, CE (Stanford) of TeDDs On Chapel presented “A Novel Application of Neuro and Behavioral Science in SUD” at the 2021 NAADAC Annual Conference.  At present, this material remains mainly in academia and research continues into the various elements of the disorder but not as a whole.

We’ve observed that simply acknowledging that it is a ‘brain disorder,’ without giving fully proven evidence-based solutions is inadequate.  See our ‘FAQs Section’.  In fact, label this may only add further to the challenges and stigma experienced by individuals and families affected.

Our application of a recovery approach solely based on behavioural neuroscience over the past five (5) years continues to demonstrate results that far surpass other current programs.  At TeDDs, we know and expect that the vast majority of clients who complete our program will remain abstinent.  The greater reward is to facilitate and observe remarkable, self-sustaining transformations in persons’ and families’ lives.

Understanding the development of the disorder that leads to addiction unlocks the key to recovery.  Our experience and continued research importantly articulate the science of recovery: how the neuroplastic brain restores itself to healthy, timelines and challenges that can be expected.  How to accelerate and sustain this return to health is given in a fully logical, rational manner.

For all interested, our program is a fascinating journey into ‘mindfulness’ by finally understanding the drivers that create the mind and decisions.  Seemingly abstract concepts are fully explained as real, including:

  • How does the reward system and anti-reward system work and why?
  • What is neuroplasticity and how to positively impact it?
  • What the ‘mind-body’ connection truly is.
  • How/and does CBT impact and with what (if any) effectiveness?
  • How to attain emotional intelligence and what does that truly mean?
  • Is addiction a forever, lifetime disorder? Will I ever be able to have a drink again?
  • What is the true difference between a ‘heavy drinker’ and an ‘alcoholic’ from a neuroscience perspective?

What to make of the myriad personality disorder (PDs) that are often associated with addiction and are they just part of the overall condition?

Our program material is what is now not currently taught in Master’s or Doctoral programs.  Contact us for a free consultation for help as a client, a professional in or wanting to work in the field…. or a person seeking answers based on hard evidence to many of the myths and mysteries in the human condition.