Mental Health & Addictions Support, FOR INDIVIDUALS & FAMILIES


Please refer to our (upcoming) "Consulting" section.Services


Please read below for more information on each area.

  • Addiction and Recovery for Substance Use Disorders (SUD)

  • Work, Career and Financial Resolution and Planning

  • Therapy for Depression and Anxiety

  • Online / Virtual and our NEW 'Hybrid' Recovery Programs

  • Intervention & Case Management Services

Addiction is a complex brain disorder which results in many emotional, personality, traumatic stress and behavioural issues.  It is generally accompanied by depression, anxiety, antisocial and other personality disorders which all receive our attention.  Our years of research have given us the knowledge and skills to understand and treat how the addicted brain creates these disorders.

With our understanding of addiction’s complexities, the right individualized care for each person and family care is given in a comfortable and supportive atmosphere.  As the neuroscience of recovery predicts, we find the vast majority of associated issues resolve as the brain, body and spirit heal.  While there are characteristics shared among all persons addicted, we offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each of our clients’ individual and family needs to help attain the personal growth and peace of mind they’re striving for.


Interventions are a great act of unconditional love and family commitment. 

Is your life overrun by another person’s alcohol or drug use? Has your life been disrupted by a loved one’s over consumption? Are you continuously worried and anxious because your son, daughter, or spouse are drinking or using drugs too much? This is all too common in our current society.   

The power of knowledge cannot be underestimated. If you know how to fix a flat tire, you can take responsibility and fix it. If you know how to calm a crying child, you can easily deal with it without being affected. Well, it is the same circumstance with someone’s substance use. Knowing how to deal with a person with an addiction is also essential. 

Often people with addictions are blinded to the devastating effects their addiction is having on family members, loved ones, friends and employers, and themselves. TeDDs’ wrap-around services for individuals and their families are comprehensive and encompass all the stages of the intervention process: guiding the individual and their families through treatment, early recovery, and into a healthy way of life.

An intervention is a loving, non-judgmental, factual meeting directed by an Intervention Professional(s) in which family, friends and sometimes employers are invited, to approach the individual about their issues in a calm and safe setting and introduce them to life saving help.

Our Intervention Services Include:

  • A 30-minute free consultation
  • Family assessment and gathering information
  • Intervention preparation meetings
  • Intervention planning meeting
  • Intervention meeting
  • Consultations on treatment referrals and other important resources

The goal of a successful intervention is to help your loved ones admit the seriousness of their addiction or mental health behaviours, provide insight to how it is affecting them and their loved ones, and navigate the recovery process. Seeing a loved one struggle with addictions and mental health conditions, and not being able to help them can be one of the most painful and heartbreaking experiences.

A professional intervention is proven to be the link that best supports the individuals to accept help and begin to find solutions to help manage the complexities of their addictions and/or mental health challenges.

TeDDs has helped hundreds of families and individuals initiate the recovery process and transition to a harmonious, prosperous and happy life.  Call us for a free consultation so we can understand the steps best suited for your situation.  Our consulting services are available on an hourly or a package basis to suit you best.

Our Case Management Services:

Our case management services will help individuals and families make the best, cost efficient plan to ensure successful recovery for the long term. There are many options available to initiate and sustain recovery, from intervention, outpatient counselling, to detox, virtual and hybrid programs, and full residential programs. TeDDs has vast knowledge of the options and associated costs available in the addictions world. Once the plan is initiated, we'll stay engaged to ensure optimal recovery.

Addiction, substance use disorder, presents with varying severity from moderate to severe.  The sooner recovery is initiated, the easier it is to attain.


Recent discoveries in neuroscience over the past 15 years clearly show that the brain and mind of an addict and alcoholic has distinctly different functioning from persons who do not have this disorder.  TeDDs has developed a model for the development of addiction along the life course by understanding each of the neuroscientific components of this complex disorder.  Matching these changes to the brain in addiction to behaviour, both before and during substance use, allows therapy specifically designed to address the underlying root problems that have led to the often near catastrophic outcomes that result from addiction to drugs and/or alcohol.

The principle of neuroplasticity, meaning the brain and mind can and will change positively given the correct therapy and environment, is key to our approach which accelerates the process of healthy recovery and produces lasting change.

Our innovative and unique therapeutic approach is based on over twenty years of research, education, experience and practice.  This experience includes providing expert advice to governments, organizations and people on what treatment courses actually work.  We succeed with clients where other programs have failed; for new clients, we commit to ensuring that a program with us will be the only one ever required. TeDDs program leads the Canadian recovery field through addressing the proven scientific reality of what addiction actually is.  Brain changes in addiction are proven and we understand them.  Alcoholism and addiction progress over a lifetime through epigenetic changes affecting perceptions, reactions, behaviours and increasingly flawed decision-making processes.  Regardless of the substances, without proper treatment all paths lead to the same tragic results. Through education and insight-oriented therapy, our clients finally gain mastery over addiction by seeing how it has developed, why it has such a hold over them and why it continues even while knowing what it has done to their lives and their families.

We do understand that typical 30-day residential programs may be a huge burden in terms of time away and cost.  We also understand that residential programs may also not be the best fit for many persons wishing to overcome addiction.

TeDDs has a full 30-day virtual program combining progressive education and personal discussions which gives exactly the same material as our residential program.  Results from the virtual and residential programs are equally successful.  Time commitment to the Online / Virtual Program requires approximately 2 ½ hours five (5) days per week and 'check-ins' two days per week, as well as safe living conditions. 

Our New and Unique 'Hybrid Program'

TeDDs is uniquely positioned in Canada to offer clients a 30-Day Hybrid Program, which can involve a short residential programming to launch recovery, followed by the remainder of the 30 days with close online programming.

In addition to being cost effective, we have found this to be most suitable for a number of our past clients and creates positive, transformative results!


Depression commonly manifests physically, through stomach pains, headaches, disrupted or excessive sleep, and motor control difficulty. A predisposition for it runs in families and it can be triggered by trauma and adverse life circumstances. Depression and addiction, especially alcohol go hand in hand.  Suicidal thinking is very common.

Depression and anxiety often exacerbate each other and people with depression commonly have difficulty concentrating on tasks and conversations. Experience has taught us that virtually all persons recover from anxiety and depression once substances are ceased.  Many persons report consuming alcohol or drugs in an effort to cope with depression and anxiety. We often find that it is the substances and the course of the addiction disorder which have caused depression and anxiety.

We, at TeDDs, understand the terrible toll that depression and anxiety have taken on our clients.  With true empathy, our programs invariably pull people out of this distressing state.


Most of us spend more time at work than at home, therefore the workplace should be an environment where we feel safe and valued. However, because work is where a bunch of different personalities, communication styles, and worldviews gather around, things don’t always go smoothly. Addiction almost invariably creates work and financial situations where things go very badly for people who have exceptional talents.

As your healthy thinking returns, we have the expertise and business knowledge to help you navigate a course towards prosperity.  We will help you to turn the corner on the many challenges you may face at work and home, while ensuring your long-term departure from addictions.

How we can help:

Therapy for work and career issues can help a person develop a better understanding of their wants and needs as well as approach alternative ways to handle tension while on the clock.  Therapy is a neutral setting where patients can discuss their fears, worries, or stressors, and regain control of their happiness.

In addition to providing you with the tools to manage and avoid creating stress, discussions with us will also unlock other talents and healthy pursuits you may wish to consider as time passes.


While a devastating state of existence that seems impossible to escape, our approach will help you break through it.  Addiction can be a life experience, not a life sentence.  New science clearly shows this, and TeDDs' program is designed around accelerating the positive changes in the brain and body and learning how to make healthy decisions.  As well as overcoming addiction, clients will learn how to relaunch their life.

Addiction is now known to be a reversible brain disorder in which an individual is blinded by a substance, or engages in an activity, that once gave them an immense amount of pleasure but has become necessary for any sort of daily function. Typically, relationships, employment and finances are falling apart, and any decision made by the addicted person causes more pain and sorrow.  We have helped client after client reverse this and rebuild the life of their dreams.  We fully understand the pain of addiction; we also understand what addiction truly is in detail and can help you with your thoughts, emotions, decisions and actions so you can live life to the fullest.

Through a full understanding of the facts of what addiction really is, how it develops, and the factors involved in becoming addicted, clients see a way out permanently.  Through focused programming including life skills, great nutrition, exercise and recreation, therapy if individually designed to meet client needs and build on strengths.  Our approach relies considerably on motivational interviewing, sharing of life experiences, and empowering clients to make healthy decisions.

Continuous care and support are also offered as persons successfully proceed through the early months of recovery milestones

We have leading edge, precise knowledge of the brain regions and pathways that become progressively distorted.  Learning how these changes in the brain develop and eventually hijack the addicted person’s well-being, comes as a relief to our clients. Far beyond just labelling it a ‘brain disorder,’ clients find the real answers to:

  • How they came to live an addicted life.
  • How to accelerate recovery, prevent relapse, expected changes and challenges.
  • Recovery of healthy choices and how to make decisions to attain the life you want.

The science of recovery shows beyond doubt that negative brain changes in addiction can be reversed.  Every aspect of our program is carefully aimed at leaving addiction in the past and creating a new life ahead.

Among many other activities, our daily bioneural- feedback assisted meditation, re-empowers your brain to manage emotions and make positive choices. It's fun, teaches relaxation techniques and shows your progress as you begin to heal with our support.

Scientific evidence shows that alcoholism or addiction are not forever 'diseases.’ Through consultations with us, people come to understand the true disorder, for which full recovery is possible and how to regain lives hoped for.